A series encourages the artist to create multiple works of the same theme, and sometimes results in hundreds of drawings. Van Gogh, for example, painted shoes. I have previously done some drawings with my flute (left) and guitar as subjects, but I would like to give something different a try.

Any suggestions would be wonderful.

Since this is my first post, I’ll provide a few details about myself and how this blog came to be.

I am a college student, and art is not my focus. However, as art has always been important to me, I would like to continue to incorporate art into my life. Up until now, I have not been doing a very good job of that. My goal is to create and contribute something of artistic significance nightly, which explains the title “Nocturnal Artist”. Hopefully this will encourage others to do the same.

Tonight, I finished working on this drawing on the back of my sketchbook.
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